Conditions Générales de Vente
des Cours de Rock à l'année
Given the large number of students registered for courses at Rock 4 You throughout the year, we are specifying the conditions for following our courses below to avoid any unpleasant surprises during the year!

General conditions of the year-round courses provided by Rock 4 You
Rock 4 You guarantees a minimum of 30 course sessions per year per slot for each school season between September and June.
The Rock 4 You school's team of teachers is substantial, which means that students can be sure that their lessons will be given, even if one of the teachers is unable to teach (if the absence is announced at least 12 hours in advance).
All course slots are open for the first 5 sessions, after which only those with at least 16 students registered for the year will remain open. In the event of course slots not meeting this condition, the school will offer students to switch to another slot, or reimburse the amount of the remaining courses on a pro rata basis in the event that students are unable to attend another slot.
▶ COVID-19
We are aware that the ambient atmosphere and the spread of the virus make it difficult for some people to decide whether to register for the year. We will therefore do everything possible to guarantee sanitary conditions for the practice of this activity, respecting the instructions of the French Dance Federation to the letter.
❗🔺In the event of an administrative closure due to Covid, Rock 4 You undertakes to reimburse all students in proportion to the sessions not provided.🔺❗
Le présent règlement intérieur autorise Rock 4 You à photographier, filmer et publier des photos, vidéos sur tous supports de communication de l'école, principalement le site https://www.rock4you.dance et la page / le groupe Facebook Rock 4 You / le compte Instagram Rock 4 You.
Bien évidemment en cas de demande expresse de suppression d'un contenu, nous ferons tout notre possible pour y répondre favorablement.
▶ Responsibility
Each registered person is responsible for any bodily harm to which their practice may expose them.
In accordance with current legislation, the Rock 4 You company has taken out insurance guarantees for the exercise of its activity covering its civil liability and that of its employees during dance classes, only for accidents linked to the application of the class and to the room.
On the other hand, within the room at 2 rue de Cadix, shoes that could leave marks in the room, as well as shoes with which students walk in the street are prohibited in the dance room. Any mark left will be subject to a charge of €10 per mark, given the difficulty of removing it (approximately 1 hour/mark).
▶ Attendance/Lateness
Punctual and regular attendance at Rock 4 You dance classes is desirable. In case of delay, access to the class is possible subject to the teacher's agreement.
▶ Exclusion
In the event of non-compliance with the internal regulations, or behavior that goes against the rules of good conduct, safety and hygiene, the offender may be excluded.
He will receive an email containing the wrongful elements with which he is accused and which will inform him that he is excluded.
Obviously in such a case the annual contribution will not be reimbursed, even pro rata.
▶ Force majeure
Any annual registration is valid as a commitment except in cases of force majeure.
In the event of force majeure, the person must send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt in which they set out the case of force majeure to which they are subject, accompanied by relevant supporting documentation.
Within one month, the company will respond to the request, validating or invalidating the request on a case-by-case basis.